Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Data collected was a joint venture of the Northern Caribbean Office of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) for IWCAM, the Bahamas Department of Marine Resources (DOMR) and Community Conch. The Nature Conservancy requested the project and funded its expenses. The Bahamas Department of Marine Resources donated use of a workboat, the field time of Mr. Jared Dillet and assisted with study area refinement through discussions with local fishermen. Community Conch organized the fieldwork, donated the use of the support boat and the time of the lead scientists in collecting and reporting the results.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: Northern Caribbean Office of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) for IWCAM, the Bahamas Department of Marine Resources (DOMR) and Community Conch.